
Tao-dialog is part of tao-utils commands group. It assembles only tao-manager (simple file manager) and tao-dialog currently. Tao-dialog aims to work as zephyr/kdialog replacement, but it is currently not done. Maybe in future, I will add xmessage compatibility mode. Dialog compact mode rather never been supported, due dialog have options rather hard to implement using libgreattao.

Libgreattao have GUI and shell mode. Network mode must be re-implemented. Many feature, working in V2 version must be rewriten to V3 (3.0 version). But V2 is rather complicated and error-prone. LibgreattaoV3 uses libexslt internally.

Zephyr and KDialog modes of tao-dialog are partially implemented. You can do basic stuff like displaying yes/no dialog, info dialog and file dialogs. File dialogs are currently error-prone in libgreattaoV3 (sometimes causes crash, when dialog is destroyed), but I will work on this.

One good point of Libgreattao is GUI mode could use one of three backends: GTK4, Qt5 and console. So it could revolution inside system-communication manner. Programmer could write script, which uses tao-dialog in zenity/kdialog mode and, depending on current DE, it could show GTK+, QT or console dialogs. Yes… it even could work without Graphical Environment, so it made many programming problems less problematic. You can write installer in bash, using tao-dialog and it spawns Qt dialogs, Gtk4 dialogs. If user open it terminal, it also uses console backend and works. Maybe I will add ncurses backend in future. Console backend is very simple, but works.

Libgreattao allows to make Linux software easier. Imagine xdg-su do not load backends by its own. It only create normal windows (authorization prompts) and libgreattao takes care for rest. There could be also other pieces of Linux desktop, which could take advantage thanks to libgreattao, like prompt for allow to start application (set x bit and ran app, if user allow), dialog asking to select application for file open task, etc. DE could only selects GUI backend or design files.

1 thought on “tao-dialog

  1. slawomir2014lachu Post author

    tao-dialog requires libgreattao. Libgreattao requires libsell and libreadconfig. Each of it are mine projects and are available on sourceforge.net. Also, think about provide GTK+4 or Qt5 library (or compile with console backend, but in this case, you need to open apps in console).



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